Today I am talking about one of my passions: puppeteering.
I have noticed that many language teachers do not use puppets frequently in their classes. I believe this might be because they are afraid of using puppets, don't know what exactly they can do with them, or might think their students would not engage in the proposed activities. I believe everybody can use puppets with some practice. Here I share some hints on how you can bring life to your puppets!
Remember that puppeteering is an art and there isn't a right way to do it.
I'm just sharing some hints that have worked for me in my classes with both children and adults.
But before that, a little Wikipedia moment:
I have noticed that many language teachers do not use puppets frequently in their classes. I believe this might be because they are afraid of using puppets, don't know what exactly they can do with them, or might think their students would not engage in the proposed activities. I believe everybody can use puppets with some practice. Here I share some hints on how you can bring life to your puppets!
Remember that puppeteering is an art and there isn't a right way to do it.
I'm just sharing some hints that have worked for me in my classes with both children and adults.
But before that, a little Wikipedia moment:

Puppets can go from a simple string to giant craned operated dolls. Check here 32 different types of puppets that I have shared in a previous post.
· Puppets
can be held in a way that they directly face the students. Hiding your hand can
be done by using your arm, knee, a piece of cloth, or using a table. Sometimes I hide myself behind the puppet in order to hide my mouth. In this way they become more real.
· Bringing
your puppet to life can be done by the sequence of breathing, guttural sounds,
moving, talking, and dancing. A rehearsed choreography is also a good idea, as you won't need to think about the next movement when you are performing. Puppets
can also wink, snore, jump, burp, be shy, tell you a secret, have hiccups, etc. These
unexpected actions surprise the audience and add even more personality to the
puppet. A catch phrase to be frequently repeated is a delicious treat!
The presentation of the puppet is an important moment as it sets the tone for the interaction. I believe that coming with a problem to be solved is a good way to engage students. I personally avoid the "I’m Billy, I’m 5 years old" approach as it doesn’t bring a complex character and children might feel they are being patronized.
Props are a fantastic way to bring a plot to scene. Even a simple thing as a ball can be great fun when paired with a fork! The student’s objects can be brought to action as props that need to be used to solve problems.
Props are a fantastic way to bring a plot to scene. Even a simple thing as a ball can be great fun when paired with a fork! The student’s objects can be brought to action as props that need to be used to solve problems.
· Puppets are a great resource to align creativity, inspiration, flexibility and humour in language teaching.
Here I share some ways in which teachers and students can share their class with puppets:
Here I share some ways in which teachers and students can share their class with puppets:
· Language
can be very rich in the making process as instructions involve sequences of
actions and materials. In the case of scripted plays, stories can be read, adapted,
and rehearsed.
· Puppets
do not need to necessarily speak as they can only be taken care of. Here teachers
and the students give commands and exchange advice about what should be done to
guarantee the well being of the puppet.
· Puppets
can read aloud, retell stories, tell their versions, and give their opinion of
recent events. Puppets can also play games, tell jokes, try tonguetwisters,
lipsynch to a song, and present the news. They sometimes also refilm ads or
great movie classics.

The triangle is a theatrical technique in which the puppet says something strange, the manipulator looks at the puppet, the audience, and finally at the puppet again. It can also be reversed.
· Puppets
can also be used to practice grammar rules in a more lighthearted way, to review
content with humor and to go back to challenging grammatical points that are explained by the puppet or to the puppet.
· Puppets
can help students to give feedback and disclose their feelings more openly
about how the see their development and their relationship with the language. Teachers can use puppets to give advice on how to learn or to express concerns about discipline.
· Last
but not least, puppets can be used to show students different realities, as
things students like doing, their environments, or even be taken in adventures
as when Buddy went ballooning:
Thank you so much for all the tips on using puppets in the classroom. I have to admit that I'm kind of shy about using our puppet (Cheeky Monkey) but I have made progress in developing a voice I'm comfortable with and gestures that look natural. The children always seem to enjoy interacting with him.